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Course : Modeling, analysis and design of shallow, deep and vibratory machine foundation

Who can Attend?

Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer and Engineering Manager.

Course Overview
  • Module 1 (Shallow Foundation): Soil Parameters, In-situ Tests and Lab Tests. Shear Strength from In-situ and Lab tests. Compaction of Soil, Different Type of Foundations, Bearing Resistance for Vertical Loads and Moments, Pressure Distribution, Consolidation and Settlement. Rigid and Winkler model, soil-structure interaction and use of modulus of subgrade reaction. Hand calculation using classical theory. Finite Element Modeling, Analysis and Structural Design of Spread Footing, different type of Combined Foundations, Mat Foundation with rigid method, Mat Foundation with flexible method and Pile Cap. Strut and Tie model for Pile cap analysis and design.


  • Module 2 (Deep Foundation): General Principles and Practice, Pile Classifications, Selection of Pile Type, Soil Parameters, Axial Behavior of Pile in c, φ and c- φ Soil. Concept of Skin Friction, Negative Skin Friction, End Bearing and Frost action on Pile. Group behavior, Pile with Moment, Batter Piles. Piling Equipment’s and installation process. Driven Piles, Cast-in-situ Piles and Prestressed Piles. Handling stress, driving stress and Pile settlement. Capacity during driving. Laterally Loaded Piles. Finite Element Modeling, Analysis and Design. Structural and Geotechnical Design of Cast-in-place concrete piles and steel piles.  Structural design of pile cap and pile on Mat foundation. Caisson and Drilled Caisson Foundation. Pile Load Testing.


  • Module 3 (Micro-Pile and Screw Pile): 

  1. Micro-Piles:​ Type of Micro piles, Construction Technics, Grouting system, Reinforcements, Materials and Accessories. Geotechnical Capacity for Tension, Compression and End Bearing. Structural Compression Capacity, Structural Tension Capacity, Lateral Capacity and Buckling Capacity. Design of Interface between bonding and non-bonding length.  Different type of connection details between Pile and Pile Cap, Anchor Plate Design for Tension, Group Effects and Corrosion Protection. Pile Loads Test and Capacity Evaluation. Use of Micro-piles for slope stabilization, earth retention, seismic retrofit, ground anchor, stability to hydrostatic pressure and underpinning.

  2. Screw-Piles: Grouting, Joint Packing, Materials and Accessories, Structural Compression Capacity, Structural Tension Capacity. Geotechnical Capacity, Installation, Installation Torque Correlation to Capacity, Installation Energy, Torque Monitoring, Methods, Pile Loads Test and Capacity Evaluation.


  • Module 4 (Dynamic Analysis of Shallow and Deep Foundation): Dynamic Parameters of Soil, Concept of Vibration and Dynamic Loadings. Fundamental of Machine Dynamics, concept of dynamic loading from rotating machine and harmonic loading. Use of phase angle and resonance.  Degree of Freedom for Vertical, Longitudinal, Lateral, Pitching, Rocking and Yawing. Finite Element Dynamic Force Modeling, Analysis and Design of Block Foundation, Table-Top Foundation and Pile Foundation. Preliminary sizing of machine foundation using rule of thumb. Use of Classical Theory and Finite Element Modeling. Finite Element Modeling with Time History Loading. Calculate acceleration amplitude, velocity amplitude and deformation amplitude. Predict fault of machine, smoothness of machine and human fatigue considering calculated vibration level.


Course Details


Duration              : 15 Hours

Date                     : Nov 09, 2024 to Nov 30, 2024

Time                    :  7:30 PM to 10:00 PM (Dhaka Time)

 Day                     :  Saturday and Sunday

Course Fee         :  Taka 10,000 or CA$ 200

Participants         :  Limited, first come first serve basis


Mr. Akhtar Zaman, M. Eng.,
P. E. (USA), P. Eng. (Canada),
New Brunswick, Canada.


Mr. Akhtar Zaman has over 35 years of professional experience working in consulting companies throughout the USA, Canada and Bangladesh. He received “Design and Technical Award of Excellence” from his former consulting company “STANTEC”. He has a vast professional experience on structural and foundation design for different types of Tall buildings, mining, industrial, oil and gas, pulp and paper, bridge, power, marine structures, and water treatment plants. His areas of expertise include 3D finite element modeling of structure and foundation, stress analysis, dynamic analysis with response spectrum and time history loading. He is Professional Engineer in ON, AL and NB in Canada and ME in USA. He has designed up to 32 story tall buildings and many multi-billion-dollar critical projects in the USA and in Canada. He involved in structural design projects at the province of NB, ON, PEI, NS, AL, SK and NL in Canada and at the state of ME, NY, FL, CA, TX, KY, AK and GA in USA. He completed his undergraduate degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and Master’s from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). He was Assistant Professor in Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) at beginning of his carrier. He published over 11 technical papers in National and International Journals. At present he has been working as a Senior Structural Engineer at Hilcon Limited, Canada.


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71 Parklyn Crt. FREDERICTON, NB - E3B 2T5, CANADA Tel: +1 506 292 3259, +1 506 206 0723


Engineer Monjurul Islam Kajal

Email Address:

Tel: +8801712-028-118, +8801711-027-258

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