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Course : Step by step computer modeling, analysis and design of tall building with 5 story basement
Who can Attend?
Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer and Engineering Manager.
Course Overview
Module 1: Finite Element Modeling:
​Concept of Modeling for 2D and 3D Members, Concept of Modeling of Foundations, Load Path for Gravity and Lateral Loadings, Lateral Force Distribution System, Behavior of Frame, Shear Walls and Combination, Modeling of Shear Walls (Piers and Spandrel), Concept of Cracked and Uncracked Modeling, Reduction of Stiffness for Cracking, Finite Element Modeling of 30 Story Building, Authentication of the Finite Element Model with different Parameters,
Module 2: Dead, Live, Wind and Static Earthquake Analysis, Loads and Load Combinations:
Dead Load, Live Load and Load Combinations, Strength and Stability, Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate Limit State (ULS), Static Wind and Earthquake Loads as per Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC-2020) and National Building Code of Canada (NBCC-2020), Wind and Earthquake Loading applied to 30 Story Building, Response on Beams, Columns and Shear Walls due to Wind and Earthquake Loading.
Module 3: Dynamic (Response Spectrum and Time History) Analysis:
Plate Tectonics, Seismic Wave Generation and Propagation, Earthquake measurement, Earthquake Force on Structures, Effect of Earthquake on Structures, Dynamic Analysis (Modal Analysis, Response Spectrum Analysis and Time History Analysis), Introducing Pushover Analysis, Application of Base Isolator
Module 4: Review of Response, Data Analysis and Member Design:
Load Case and Load Combinations, Envelope for Member Design, Design of Beams and Columns, Biaxial Bending, Interaction Diagram, Slenderness Effect, Sway and non-sway Structures, Application of Strut-Tie Models, Reinforcement Detailing, Design of Shear Walls, Shear Walls Design as Column, Shear Walls Design as Axial Zone, Design as PIER, Detailing of Shear Wall, Design and Detailing of Coupling Beams/Spendrel, Design for Ductility, Detailing of Reinforcement.
Module 5: Wind Tunnel, Expansion Joints, Diaphragm, Transfer Girder, Mat Foundation, Mat with Pile Foundation, 5 Story Basement and Shoring:
Vortex Shedding, Shielding Effects, Wind Tunnel, Expansion Joints, PCA and ACI Method to Calculate Expansion Joints, Design of Diaphragm, Transfer Girder Design with Strut and Tie Model, Rigid and Flexible Mat Foundation Analysis and Design, Mat Foundation, Mat with Pile Foundation, 5 Story Underground Basement (Modeling, Analysis and Design), Shoring for Underground Structures
Course Details
Duration : 20 Hours
Date : Apr 20, 2024
Time : 07:30 PM to 10:00 PM (Dhaka Time)
Day : Saturday and Sunday
Course Fee : Taka 15,000 (Taka 12,000 For Limited time)
: CAD 300 (CAD 250 for Batch 01)
Participants : Limited, first come first serve basis
Mr. Akhtar Zaman, M. Eng.,
P. E. (USA), P. Eng. (Canada),
New Brunswick, Canada.
Mr. Akhtar Zaman has over 35 years of professional experience working in consulting companies throughout the USA, Canada and Bangladesh. He received “Design and Technical Award of Excellence” from his former consulting company “STANTEC”. He has a vast professional experience on structural and foundation design for different types of Tall buildings, mining, industrial, oil and gas, pulp and paper, bridge, power, marine structures, and water treatment plants. His areas of expertise include 3D finite element modeling of structure and foundation, stress analysis, dynamic analysis with response spectrum and time history loading. He is Professional Engineer in ON, AL and NB in Canada and ME in USA. He has designed up to 32 story tall buildings and many multi-billion-dollar critical projects in the USA and in Canada. He involved in structural design projects at the province of NB, ON, PEI, NS, AL, SK and NL in Canada and at the state of ME, NY, FL, CA, TX, KY, AK and GA in USA. He completed his undergraduate degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) and Master’s from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). He was Assistant Professor in Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) at beginning of his carrier. He published over 11 technical papers in National and International Journals. At present he has been working as a Senior Structural Engineer at Hilcon Limited, Canada.